Flying monkeys denied

Why do abusive people lie, spread rumors, and make up malicious gossip? To shame and effectively isolate targets, that’s why. Narcissistic people are the ultimate social and emotional predators. Truly functional — rather than dysfunctional — they are vicious predators whose only intention is to win at all cost, competing in their own mind financially, physically, socially, and emotionally with every single person they project is competing actively or with intent in this life.

It’s totally normal for a person with a Cluster B personality disorder to pathologically lie, gaslight, and smear campaign. It might be absolutely dysfunctional and caustic to themselves and others, but the pattern is stereotypical.

Don’t expect to be able to avoid having to deal with their self-serving antics and shenanigans. Every narcissistic person you know who actively badmouths another person or group without that person or stereotype represented is keeping a major secret from you.

Guess what, “Narcissistic Supply Source”? If you think a narcissistic person is trustworthy because of their special interest or attachment to you, nothing could possibly be further from the truth.

The Narcissist or abusive person who connives to socially harm, damage, or invalidate the fundamental human and civil rights of others understands that what they are doing is morally wrong. They understand that lying, cheating, stealing, manipulating, and attempting to gaslight other people is wrong. They also know that lying to their friends, family members, and co-workers shows them little to no respect when and if they try recruiting Flying Monkey enablers.

Narcissistic people get off emotionally and psychologically based on the thought of getting away with something. They only show remorse for their actions when and if they are caught. There is no empathy for those traumatized by their behavior or feelings of guilt inspired by them causing other human beings social, emotional, physical, psychological, or spiritual harm.

All people with Cluster B personality disorders behave in ways that are fundamentally narcissistic. Egocentric by nature, they learn from an early age how to manipulate people by lying to them or presenting partial truths mixed with cleverly nauseating twists they make up to socially embarrass their intended target in the event of an eventual breakup.

Narcissistic people will even go so far as to make up rumors and stories about the condition of their mate or target’s mental health in order to undermine their credibility should they ever try to break the silence as a victim. Totally self-centered, they interrupt the natural process of grief after a victim has already been traumatized, demanding attention while heaping on trauma by the pile. Read more flying monkey denied

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